As the humid Florentine air swirled about with intermittent breezes, I endeavored to climb to the top of Brunelleschi's famous cupola; the crowning architectural element to Sta. Maria del Fiore. The steps are incredibly narrow and compose an inconvenient "one way in, one way out" trek inside the cupola. As one ascends they must contend with those descending... (at least they are descending towards the nave of a Cathedral), and this makes for a very uncomfortable experience with people you do not know at all. It's quite a workout (an excuse to consume more gelati), but it is very rewarding.
For starters, midway through the climb, you end up within an arm's length from the interior fresco of the the cupola. I thought it was interesting that the brush strokes are so large and not as finely painted... however, the work is masterful as the intended perspective from the floor of the Cathedral provides a precise illustration. You could also see the cracks of the ceiling as the structure reveals it's age.
Once at the top of the dome, you are able to revert to your normal breathing pattern, but this is useless as the view truly takes your breath away (for the better). There are absolutely no words for how incredible this view is. Hopefully the pictures will provide an accurate idea of the perspective one has from way up there. It is truly a heavenly delight as one can see all of Florence's golden beauty and the hills of Tuscany beyond.
I will also add a video that I took as the bell chimed from Giotto's Campanile. The video would be longer, but I thought I was recording for a while (but I was not). I told you technology and I do not get along! *giggles*
Sorry in advance for the shaking video... it was sort of crowded up there.
There are a few photos of the the Duomo and the Baptistry. Giotto's Campanile is the bell tower.
Here is the photobucket album that accompanies this post: BrunelleschiDome
I have more video as well, but the internet connection makes for an incredibly long download... (sigh).
A few updates:
We also visited San Lorenzo, Santa Maria Novella (I was stealth and took pictures of Massacio's Trinity and Giotto's Crucifix.) We also crossed Ponte Vecchio and strolled through the Boboli Gardens (the Grotto was beautiful) and we were able to take advantage of the Caravaggio exhibit that just began. We could not take photos of "Sleeping Cupid" "Incredulity of St. Thomas" or "The Sacrifice of Isaac" but what really matters is seeing them in person and I was more than grateful that I had the opportunity. It's always such a pleasure to see masterpieces time and time again. The other photos will have to be posted tomorrow I suppose (I am a little sleepy at the moment.. it's 2 AM here and I need to be awake in 4-5 hours to visit the Uffizi and Bargello.)
I am also a proud owner of a new Miu Miu handbag. Brigette, you would approve of this purchase! I'm going to visit Ferragamo and Pucci tomorrow and maybe get some shoes or a scarf. My inner fashionista is being indulged and it's fun, but it is not nearly as rewarding as the joy of walking around this beautiful place. I really mean that too. I have fallen in love with Florence yet again.
Love, B
PS. I am too sleepy to log on to photobucket and caption all of the photos. I like to do this, but I really need to get some rest. I promise I will describe everything when I have time.
Thank you all for your sweet comments on here, twitter and via email. I have enjoyed communicating with everyone! <3
OMG, Brooke! That one picture that looks like the slide from hell took my breath. Scary. The other pics are gorgeous and I love your commentary!
I miss you like crazy, woman!!! The pics are wonderful and I love, love, love the pink bike!!! It make me smile! I hope that you are having a wonderful time and I really hope that you maybe find some hot Itailian man to whisper sweet things in your ear like FWW! I love you, darling. And I am kissing you passionately from afar!
ReplyDeleteThis is Jonathan on Arielle's account. I wanted to let you know that you are a very entertaining and talented writer! Also, we can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip in person when you get back, but you better not come back without a Louis Vuitton Damier Graphite Canvas Keepall 55 with Shoulder Strap...kidding...kind of.
Arielle and I miss you and love you and hope that the rest of your trip is amazing! We will be keeping up with your blog! Be safe! Enjoy!
Arielle and Jonathan
Jonathan and Arielle: I love you both so very much. We will do dinner downtown when I return (and to send off your girl to Greece) and it will be divine. Jonathan, if you were here I would have made LV purchases... Alas, Miu Miu, (Prada's little sister) had to suffice. :) Thank you both for the comments; they mean so much, Miss you and tell Zoe and Tiffany hello for me!
ReplyDeleteRaina, your comment made me laugh so hard. Your opinion matters so much, so thanks for what you said about the blog. I really hope that you and Craig and the family have a great stay in San Antonio! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Cosmo!! I was waiting to hear from you! I'm totes happy you love the pink bike. It is so you! I actually thought about FWW! I was reading something about Petrarca and I thought "FWW knows this shit" LOL.
Thank you for the kisses.. I love you!
The Bells are beautiful and made the post even more real for me! I will be going back to listen through out the day!
ReplyDeleteOoh my heavens I MUST see a picture of your Miu Miu bag! Hooray!! After I read your posts I'm going to get lost in all of your pictures...they are absolutely breathtaking. Yep, I can see why Georgia has left your mind. I might as well book my ticket to Florence now...on to the next post!